article no: 35000/35001/35002

Somersault belt

For Trampoline Bungee Longe

Qualitative high-value and body-suitable somersault belts for Bungee Longe.

  • details

    The following is a list of all available product variants of Somersault belt. For more information click on the corresponding entry. With the filters, the displayed variants can be specifically restricted.

    • Article-No: 35001

      Somersault Belt - Small

      Hip measurement: 68-92 cm. Weight user: 15-40 kg

    • Article-No: 35000

      Somersault Belt - Medium

      Hip measurement: 73-100 cm. Weight user: 30-60 kg

    • Article-No: 35002

      Somersault Belt - Large

      Hip measurement: 85-115 cm. Weight user: 50-90 kg

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